Magdy Mahfouz



Research Interests

The research collaboration with Prof. Magdy Mahfouz group from Desert and Agriculture center focuses on nucleic acid delivery and Genome editing using Carbon Nanotechnology. Delivery of the genetic information through the plant cell wall is the central bottleneck in plants' genetic modification. Our research collaboration aims to develop nanomaterial-based vectors to deliver nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) into intact plant cells, tissue, and sub-cellular organelles. In particular, we functionalized nanomaterial to deliver genome engineering machinery, the CRISPR/Cas system. As such, we combined the potential of nanomaterials with genome engineering to make plants resilient to environmental stress. Similarly, we developed clay nanosheets to deliver RNA encoding CRISPR/Cas machinery or RNA molecule providing resistance against plant viruses. Our produced materials are easily adaptable for laboratory use and scalable for infield application. To this end, we developed, functionalized, and applied nano-based vectors to deliver genome engineering reagents into in-vitro and in-vivo setups of plants.